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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Don't Panic!

If you've ever noticed the column on the right hand side of my blog, I have a list of some of the runners who have inspired me as well as some of the coaches who I have admired. One of those pairs was Bob "Gags" Giegengack and Frank Shorter. As a 7 year old in 1972, I can vividly remember Frank breaking away from the Olympic marathon field in Munich (he along with Bowerman may have helped create the first running boom). Frank ran for "Gags" in the 60's at Yale and in my research for this blog Frank said that "Gags" would encourage his runners/athletes to be their own coach. To be able to train on their own so to speak.

So last night when Rock (Rich Falcone) called me and said that he would not be able to make the workout...I knew that I would be running alone. Doing easy/recovery runs on your own with or without an ipod (I had a big 'ol Walkman in '76) is never a problem. However, when you have a hard workout planned and you rely on other training partners to help pull you along and they cancel, it can make you panic (think how can I possibly push myself?). After I hung up with Rich, I immediately thought about what Frank's coach had instilled in him. That got me motivated for the following mornings workout.

The workout was a 10 mile run that had 4 X 12 minutes strong with a 2 minute recovery in the middle of it. As usual, I focused on form (landing on the balls/flat of my feet, slightly forward erect torso, 180 plus turnover, and minimal arm swing), breathing and putting pressure on my circulatory system. Minus the spill that I took in the middle of #4, the workout went well.

Question: Who won the 1984 Women's Olympic 3000 meter race (the one where Mary fell)?


  1. some Romanian bird, can't remember her name

    what was your take on the whole Budd/Decker incident/aftermath?

  2. Thanks Paul! You are correct and her name was Maricica Puica.

    My take was: Zola was inexperienced, Mary was running easy. Zola's position on the track was bothering Mary (Mary was thinking "if you want to lead than take it"). 5 meters before the fall there were some rumblings if you will. This is easy for me to say, like Viren in the ten thousand in '72, Mary should have gotten right up and charged after the pack. I believe that she was startled...thoughts anyone?

  3. agree... but still loved to see Zola run.. even inexperienced...

    Why did Mary stay down? I forgot what she said after...

  4. She was in a state of shock (you go from cruisin' up front to stumbling on onto the infield). She started to well up and then security held her around the waist. Remember, she was the world champion in both the 1500 and the "3". Easy for me to say...
