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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I didn't feel good yesterday...

After an easy recovery 7 miler on Monday, it was time again to lace up the flats for a Tuesday morning workout.

I was a little tired going into the workout and still had (have) crud in my chest. After a 15 minute warm up, here is what I did...

The workout that I planned was 3 by 2 miles on the treadmill in 11 minutes. While that is aggressive, I always feel the need to really challenge myself on my workout (stress) days...that is just the way I do it!

So anyway, here is what I accomplished: 2 miles in 11 minutes, easy quarter mile (3 minutes) jog, another 2 miles in 11 minutes, easy quarter mile (3 minutes) jog, 1 mile in 5:30, 15 minute cool down. I simply had no strength to complete the last segment.

Do you know how sometimes when you don't do what you say you are going to do (it could be related to anything) you feel really bad about it? Well, not this time! When I got back to my office, I felt really week. It was to the point where when someone would walk by my office and ask me how I was doing, I would say not good.

For the rest of the day, I stayed low to the ground and moved around even slower. Last night we all stuffed ourselves with Maggiano's (I always get the chicken parm!) and felt a little better.

This morning, I ran an easy 7 miler (again, I am in the middle of a quasi taper week/down week) and I am just trying to get my strength back up. Tomorrow I'll plan on running another 7 miler with some strides embedded in for good measure. Believe it or not, I only started doing strides last week and the jury is not out yet. I'll keep you posted...

Thanks for reading (I would ask a question yet no one seems to answer them any more!) Ask me a question...I'll try and answer it...Ha!


  1. impressive, 2 1/2 X 2mile @11min is pretty damn good, especially for the dreadmill! I don't have a question to ask...

  2. A comment is good enough for me Meggan! I trust your training is going well...

  3. Spada - love reading the blog and hope you get to feeling better!

  4. Thanks Chuck! I love your comments on Facebook...

  5. How fast will Ryan Hall run on Monday?

  6. 2.09:31...on video, I saw his 15 mile tempo run and from what I could see, he looked reasonably well running it. However, I can't see inside to his heart so I don't know how much desire is there...we'll know more on Monday! I hope he does well...
